Sheppard's Current Book Wants

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91A Schoolmaster at WarRees Send Email
92Other RanksTilsley Send Email
93War of ther Guns (must have VG d/w)Wade Send Email
94Never AgainGregory Send Email
95Sniping in FranceHesketh-Prichard Send Email
97They Also ServeKyne Send Email
98San Fairy AnnKimber Send Email
99There's a Devil in the DrumLucy Send Email
104THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR a handbook of Literature and ResearchSteven E.WoodworthGreenwood PressSend Email
105the mountain men and the fur trade of the far westLeroy R.HafenArthur H.ClarkSend Email
149The manuscript of 12 HymnsJohn Nelson DarbyNever publishedSend Email
150St. Ives. Vol.15 of Tusitala Edition (1924), in blue leather onlyStevenson, Robert Louis.HeinemannSend Email
232Kenwood Breadmaker Recipe Book  Send Email
23710th International Exhibition of Botanical Art & Illustration.  Send Email
268Asceticism and Society in Crisis; John of Ephesus and the Lives of the Eastern SaintsSusan ASHBROOK HARVEYUniversity of California PressSend Email
272Any prospectus or list of courses for Aston College of Commerce in 1960s College of Commerce, Aston, BirminghamSend Email
276The Angler A weekly newspaper published in Coventry in the late 1940's. Any copiesSend Email
282Bodley Head Scott Fitzgerald, vols 2, 5, and 6. First thus, in dw. Not ex-library copies.F. Scott FitzgeraldBodley HeadSend Email
289The Night the Toys Came Alive. (A story within a compilation of stories / annual maybe?)UnknownUnknown but circa 1930-55Send Email
290The Bewitched Country (Children's)Pauline FisherCirca 1960sSend Email
291Gibson's New Star Reader (Childrens's)Jane BrownCirca 1940sSend Email
294Alice in Wonderland in Telugu languge  Send Email
295Alice in Wonderland in Konkani language  Send Email
298Rothmans Football Yearbook -- hardback only, numbers 2, 3 and 14 Queen Anne PressSend Email
318The Complete Prose Works of John Milton, Volume 6 - Christian DoctrineMaurice KelleyYale University Press, 1973Send Email
320Das Bild des Steuermannes in der antiken Literatur.K.H. KAISERdiss. Erlangen, 1954.Send Email
321Carmina. Ed. R.A.B. Mynors.Codex Oxoniensis Bibliothecae Bodleianae Canonicianus Class. Lat. 30CATULLUSSijthoff, Leiden, 1966.Send Email
322?tudes sur le vocabulaire ?pique dans l'?n?ide.CORDIER, A.,Soci?t? des ?tudes Latines, Paris, 1939.Send Email
323Die Trauer- und Trostgedichte in der r?mischen Literatur, untersucht nach ihrer Topik und ihrem Motivschatz.ESTEVE-FORRIOL, J.,Dissertation Ludwig-Maximilians Universitat, Miinchen, 1962.Send Email
324Catull und das griechische Epigramm.HEZEL, O.,Diss. T?bingen, 1933.Send Email
325Die Invektive in der griechischen und r?mischen Literatur.KOSTER, S.,Anton Hain, Meisenheim, 1980.Send Email
326Corpus glossariorum latinorum.LOEWE, G., and G. GOETZ,Leipzig, 1888-1923 / Reprint 1965. 7 vols.Send Email
328Grammaticae Romanae fragmenta aetatis Gaesareae.MAZZARINO, A.,Torino, 1955Send Email
329Studi catulliani.RONCONI, A.,Paideia, Brescia, 1970. 2nd ed.Send Email
330Senatorial wealth and Roman politics.SHATZMAN, I.,Brussel, 1975. Series: Collection Latomus 142.Send Email
331De P. Vergili Maronis Catalepton carminibus capita tria.SOMMER, P.,Diss. Halle, 1910.Send Email
332Essai sur la versification dramatique des romains. Senaire iambique et septenaire trochaique.SOUBIRAN, J.,CNRS, Paris, 1988. IX,493p.Send Email
333Commentaire des Punica de Silius Italicus.SPALTENSTEIN, F.,Librairie Droz, Geneva, 1986/1990. 2 vols.Send Email
334Histoire du Bas-Empire. Tome second. De la disparition de l'Empire d'Occident ? la mort de Justinien (476-565).STEIN, E.,Descl?e de Brouwer, 1949. XXXIV,900p.Send Email
335Encyclopedia Britannica 2010 edition EBSend Email
336The Dale That DiedBarry Cockcroft Send Email
337The Second Synod of EphesusS G F PerryThe Orient Press 1881 (Dartford Kent)Send Email
341Legenda aurea vulgo historia lombardica dicta.Jacobi a Voragine - recensuit Dr. Th. Graesseeditio secunda, Leipzig, 1850Send Email
342Legenda aurea vulgo historia Lombardica dictaJacobi a Voragine - ed. Dr. J.G.Th. GraesseKoebner, ed. 3, 1890Send Email
343Legenda aurea. Vulgo historia Lombardica dictaJacobi a Voragine - ed. Dr. J.G.Th. GraesseImpensis Librariae Arnoldianae, Dresdae & Lipsiae, 1846Send Email
344The Brodericks of Summer LodgeRalph W WaggettPBK Publishing, Keighley 2007Send Email
401BY GOD's GRACEMatthews Send Email
402Boyfriend Book 1962 & 1967variousCity MagazinesSend Email
403Boys Cinema Annual 1941various.Amalgamated PressSend Email
404Bruin Boys Annual 1940variousAmalgamated PressSend Email
407Anabasis. Edited by C. Hude. Revised by J. PetersXenophonTeubner, 1972Send Email
430Saxton Churchm Lead Chapel & Towton ChurchGeorge Edward KirkCaxton Press Shipley. 1960Send Email
431The Real Pirates of BorneoAlison. ArchibaldSingapore 1894Send Email
432Adventures of Sir James Brooke. K.C.BFoggo. George1853Send Email
433Queries: Past, Presemt & FutureBrooke Charles Anthony Rajah of SarawakThe Planet Office 1907Send Email
435William Stickney 1764-1848 of RidgemontKay. H.AlisonYork 1980Send Email
436A Tour Amonst the Dyaks of SarawakGrant C.T,.C.1854Send Email
43729th May 1915 Issue of The Sphere (An Illustrated Newspaper for the Home)  Send Email
452Codex Chiromantiae, Appendix A. Dactylomancy, Or Finger-Ring Magic, Ancient, Mediaeval And Modern.Edward Heron-AllenC.W.H. Wyman, 1883, Large Print Edition, Miscellanies #2:Send Email
454Lady Macbeth. A Study.M. Leigh-Noel1884Send Email
457suggestions for the improvement of the law of copyrightT. A. Romer1882Send Email
458The Ancestry Of The ViolinEdward Heron-AllenDeluxe Edition, Mitchell & Hughes, 1882Send Email
461Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1914Send Email
462Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London 1915-1916Send Email
464Proceedings Royal Institution of Great Britain Vol. 21, 1914-1916Send Email
465Prolegomena Towards The Study of The Chalk ForaminiferaEdward Heron-allenH.S. Nichols & Co., 1894Send Email
466Ashes of the Future. A Study of Mere Human Nature. The Suicide Of Sylvester Gray.Edward Heron-AllenBelford, Clarke & Co 1887-1888Send Email
467Kisses Of Fate. A Study Of Mere Human NatureEdward Heron-AllenBelford, Clarke & Co 1888Send Email
468The Cheetah-GirlChristopher Blayre (Edward Heron-Allen)Private Printing 1923Send Email
469Hodges Against Chanot: Being The History Of A Celebrated Case.Edward Heron-AllenMitchell & Hughes, 1883, Library or Deluxe EditionsSend Email
470The Florist and Pomologist, and Suburban Gardner 1881Send Email
471Asparagus As A Hobby For AmateursEdward Heron-AllenBognor Regis 1934Send Email
473Bram Stoker Society JournalRichard Dalby, EditorVolumes 1-5, 1988-1993Send Email
474Codex Chiromantiae, Being A Compleate Manualle Of Ye Science And ArteEdward Heron-AllenC.W.H. Wyman; Large Print "Deluxe" Edition, Limited numbered copies, 1884, Sette of Odd Volumes, Opusculum #7.Send Email
475The Gods of the Fourth WorldEdward Heron-AllenPelican Press, 1931, Japanese Vellum, Limited numbered Deluxe edition,, Sette of Odd Volumes, Opusculum No. 92Send Email
477Ye Magic Mirrour of Old JapanSilvanus P Thompsom1893, Chiswick Press, Japanese Vellum, Limited numbered Deluxe edition, Sette of Odd Volumes, Opusculum No. 30.Send Email
478Ye Roll of Ye Set of Odd VolumesGeorge C. WilliamsonChiswick Press, 1913, Japanese Vellum, Limited numbered Deluxe Edition, Sette of Odd Volumes, Opusculum No. 72.Send Email
482Scientific Book Guild.Any titles.Long runs, incl. ex-library.Send Email
483irais roman vecu Nubiana, 1912Send Email
485Montagu George Knight bookplate  Send Email
486menus Sette of Odd VolumesSette of Odd VolumesSette of Odd Volumes, London.; 1878-2020Send Email
487Story of the little prince. Lamb's Prince DorusBriscoe Send Email
488An old Nottingham School-Boy's Copy Bookstapleton1897Send Email
489The Tale of Prince DorusBriscoe1897Send Email
490Notes on English Book-platesCharles Gerring1897Send Email
491The Evolution of Lamb's Ballad From the Germanlewis1897Send Email
492The Merry Tales of the Mad Men of Gothamcropper Send Email
493A Historic Account of the Leper Hospital of St. Leonard, NottinghamStapleton Send Email
494Notes on Book IllustrationCharles Gerring1898Send Email
495At the Sign of the FlagonBonnell1901Send Email
496A Nottingham Translator of Dante and HomerBriscoe1901Send Email
497Newspaperdom, Fettered and FreeBonnell1902Send Email
498An American William MorrisBonnell1904Send Email
499Eighteenth Century Nottingham MagazineBonnellcirca 1900sSend Email
500Surnames: Their Origins, Meaning, and DistributionBlagg1900Send Email
501Samual Johnson. His Life, Writings and BeliefsCreaseyEdmund DurrantSend Email
502Professor Huxley and His WorkCreaseyEdmund DurrantSend Email
504HOUSE DESIRABLEBarron P.A.Methuen 1929Send Email
505A Girl of a ThousandAnon / Edmund de la PoleWalbrook & Co (1877)Send Email
506Home: A Literary and Domestic MagazineEditor Mrs J.H. RiddellTrafford & Co (1880-81)Send Email
507Windwhistle HillAnon / Edmund de la Pole Send Email
508Cocklechayne's FollyAnon / Edmund de la Pole Send Email
510Truth (Magazine) (London) Either Volumes XIX or XX, 1886Send Email
511The Violin Times ( a Monthly Journal)Edited by E. Polonaski(London) Need Years 1899-1906Send Email
512The Strad (A Monthly Journal) (London) Bound in Publisher's wine-colored hard cover cloth every 6 months; need 1899-1907 volumesSend Email
514Home Knowledge. A Monthly Magazine (New York) Vol. II, nov. 1887-April 1888Send Email
515The Epoch (Magazine) (New York) Vol. II, 1888Send Email
516London Sette of Odd Volumes, ephemera & lettersSette of Odd Volumes1878-2020Send Email
517Nicolo Paganini: pen and ink illustrationsRupert T. Gould or R.T, GouldPrivately Printed, 1916-25Send Email
518Pen and Ink IllustrationsRupert T. Gould or R.T, GouldPrivately Printed, 1916-37Send Email
519Hongkong Odd Volumes Society 1888-1912Send Email
520Dublin Odd Volumes Sette 2001-2021Send Email
521  Chelmsford Sette of Odde Volumes 1888-1904Send Email
522  Nottingham Sette of Odde Volumes 1896 - 1904Send Email
523The Wildean. A Journal of Oscar Wilde Studies 1990-2021Send Email
524Robin Hood The Question of his existence discussedStapletoncirca 1898Send Email
525Bendigobonnellcirca 1904Send Email
526Robin Hood Literature in the Nottingham Free Public LibraryBriscoe1898Send Email
527 J.B. PriestleySigned or association itemsSend Email
528 C. P. SnowSigned or association itemsSend Email
529The Laugh is On Me - signed by authorPhil Silvers Send Email
530Ice Without, Fire WithinFinnBiography of Jacquetta HawkesSend Email
531Stratford-upon-Avon set of odd volumes 1902-1927Send Email
532Hamilton Odd Volumes Club Victoria AustraliaSend Email
533Maryborough Odd Volumes Club Victoria AustraliaSend Email
534 Cedric BonnellnottinghamSend Email

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