Subscribers to Sheppard’s World (Sheppard's Confidential) can search the database of dealers by location, by region (as in the previously printed directories) and by subject classification. 
Dealers can also create mail shots to other dealers with requests for titles wanted or for sale.

Subscribers, can now list books wanted on a new database that can be searched at any time by anyone visiting this website.
All contacts will be emailed direct to the dealer, so please ensure your correct email address is entered on Sheppard's World.
Anyone may view the Books Wanted section.

Listed titles will remain on view until they are removed. 
Subscribers may create additional entries at any time.
Currently there is no limit to the number of entries.

Each edition of Sheppard's Confidential will carry a list showiing the 50 most recent titles posted in alphabetical order - thus readers can an eye on the latest books wanted.  The full list is now shown on 'View Books wanted'. 

Click [  Here  ] to view the most recent 50 wants posted.

Click [  Here ] to view How to Use

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